All you need to know about Ceramic


The lovely ceramics we adorn our homes with, the vases and figurines that depict the beautiful and artistic flair, have had a long ride down through the books of history. It is not often we stop to think about how these materials ever existed to be carved into what they are today. As the first thought that comes to our mind when we think of anything that could be made of this material, ceramic pottery is the most common. Let’s take a deeper dive into this world of ceramic art and see how our favorite pots’ materials were made. 

What Are Ceramics?

In its most common form, ceramic is made by combining various naturally occurring non-metallic raw materials such as clay. Since they are not metallic, they are not prone to corrosion that usually other materials cannot withstand when exposed to certain kinds of environments. In addition, being heat-resistant, they can endure high temperatures ranging from 1,800 °F to 3,000 °F. After shaping them into the form required using several techniques (mold casting, hand building, etc.), they are fired to make them hard and resistant to heat. This is done in a kiln. 

History Of Ceramics

The prevalence of ceramics has existed for thousands of years. In context, the ceramic history suggests their first appearance anywhere between 24,000 BC to 26,000 BC with no specific date to grab on to. Archaeologists first found ceramic pieces in Czechoslovakia as animal and human figurines, slabs, and balls. According to the history of ceramic pottery, animal products were combined with clay, after which they were baked. Even though ceramic pottery fragments were first found around 19,000 BC, they were not as commonly used until thousands of years later. Of course, these ceramic pieces helped us a lot in unfurling the civilizations back then in terms of how they lived, their culture, lifestyle, and the behavior of these people. 

Ceramics were also used as vessels to store grains and other food items. The invention of the wheel was considered a significant aspect of this material. It made producing ceramics easier and went beyond the restrictive techniques already used. Ceramic painting and ceramic wall hanging are some of the different kinds of ceramic arts

Traditional Types Of Ceramic Pottery

The most common and traditional types of ceramic pottery that you must have come across or even heard of are porcelain, earthenware, bone china, and stoneware. 

1] Porcelain

You get porcelain when refined clay is fired at a very high temperature. It has a white-colored surface and is hard and shiny to look at. Compared to the other forms, it is much stronger. Porcelain was first found in China and is sometimes called fine china.

2] Earthenware

This form of pottery was most common till the 18th Century. Earthenware is made by using relatively low heat compared to the other forms. The temperature can range anywhere between 1000 to 1100 degrees and results in hard but brittle material which is slightly porous. To make it waterproof, a glaze coat is given and sent for a second time to fire it in the kiln to make it waterproof. 

3] Stoneware

Stoneware is also made by firing it at a high temperature between 1100 to 1200 degrees and is far more durable because of its stone-like characteristic. In addition, it is water-resistant and generally has an earthy tone to its color.

4] Bone China 

Bone china is technically a type of porcelain as the process of making it starts the same. Here, animal bones or bone ash are added to the materials used to make porcelain to create a more durable material.

Types Of Ceramic Materials

We have or have had a lot of ceramics used in our daily lives. Sculptures and other home decor accessories are not the only types you can find. Moreover, there are several types of ceramic materials that are used. Here’s a breakdown of the different types of ceramic materials you can find in your daily life: 

1] Glass

This material is strong as it has a good endurance of high temperatures and is generally more durable. Thus, a lot of cooking items have this type of glass. It is made by using the process of crystallization to obtain similar properties to glass. 

2] Bricks

Minerals like sand and clay are heated to make this type of ceramic material. They are heavy to hold, brittle, but durable, and can endure high temperatures. You might have seen these in your walls, fireplaces, or chimneys.

3] Tile

Ceramic tiles are made by using materials such as silica, clay, and other minerals. They are fired at low temperatures. 

4] Silicon

Clays that are generally used in making other ceramics have a silicon base. This is because silicon is available abundantly in nature. As a result, they are among the very commonly used raw materials found on construction sites. 

5] Carbide 

These ceramics can withstand high temperatures and are not prone to corrosion. Generally, you won’t find this material in daily items as they are used in mechanical engineering, space engineering, microelectronics, etc. 

Ceramics have a decent part in our lives at some point in time. Whether it is for home decor, cookware and the likes, or our buildings and other materials, they are ubiquitous. So consider adding some ceramic pieces to your decor and make your home look artistic. At ExclusiveLane, find a variety of ceramic pieces like ceramic vases, plates and platters, cups & mugs, jars & containers, diner sets, bowls, and servewares at affordable prices. 

Check out the blog to know how to decorate your home with beautiful vases.


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